Recently, Rahm Emanuel gave Israel an ultimatum, "move forward with peace talks with the Palestinians for a two-state solution, or we will stop putting pressure on Iran. I would first have to ask, "What pressure?" Iran is moving forward full speed ahead. So basically Rahm is asking the Israeli public a simple question: Would you like to die by the hands of Palestinian Hamas or Iranian Hamas? Great options. The ongoing situation between “Palestinians” and Israelis has gone on for decades. And here we have a leader who in one breath says he dreams of a world with Israel wiped off the map, and in the next breath consults with his science department to learn how close he actually is to being able to do it. Now combine that with all of the terrorist groups surrounding Israel, threatening their existence on a daily basis. And as the United States government, who do you put the pressure on? Israel. That is just perfect. They do not have enough pressure on them, and now their virtually only ally is going to turn their back on them as well. I have a lot more to say on this. To be continued, oh and for a quick read, you should check out Newt's take on the situation: